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Top Tip While Solid Bag Fishing

Preparing Bait For PVA Bags

Using Raspberry Plume Goo On The Surface

Goo Guide 5: Mystic Spice

How To Tie A Solid Bag

Tom Dove On Boilies, Nuts And Goo

James And Ali On Floater Fishing With Goo

Goo How To: Goo With Tigernuts

The Rig Inside The Solid Bag

Using Goo In Spods And For Zigs

Goo Guide 7: Mystic Spice And Pineapple

Goo How To: Goo With Pellets

© 2011 - 2020 Kiana Carp Limited. Tutti i diritti riservati. Goo ™ e marchi associati sono di proprietà esclusiva di Kiana Carp Limited.


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